Author: Philippe


Costa Rica – the black series continues... in Paradise (1Part I)

Tuesday 12 March – Arrival at the anchorage of Golfito opposite the hotel of Samoa del Sur. The Papuans are there. Stress, Insomnia has almost disappeared, The engine is repaired that's what matters despite having no news from the insurance. We celebrate the event at Samoa del Sur restaurant with Papuans, …


One month to repair the engine

Wednesday 23 January – After 12 days stuck in the middle of the Panama Canal, here we are stuck at the Playita ( Panama City)....which is a rolling mooring, polluted and noisy with all the boats of the canal zig zag between the sailboats. Silvio, The expert mandated by the insurance company, comes to see the condition of the engine, Photographs the rooms…


Seventh day on Gatun Lake... The rescue is organized?

…. Finally, we believe in it and we "enjoy" this quiet anchorage of Gatun Lake. Every evening we see some sailboats crossing the Canal in one direction or the other... Aperitif or dinner together... Then we see them leave very early the next day wishing us "good luck". Elvir, The pilot who gave us…